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Reason 2

Booker, Bond, Sparrow and Swan’s book on Teaching Primary Mathematics has evidence to support that ICT provides children with a more engaging way of learning. Children can get easily bored when they have to repeatedly complete maths equations in their workbooks. So the introduction of calculators and computers into the classroom has created a learning environment that is more engaging.  

Provides children with a more engaging way of learning.


Technology is great way of providing students with a more engaging way of learning compared to the more traditional means of teaching. To make Mathematics more engaging and more enjoyable, different ICT programs have been created to fulfil these challenges. One of these programs is a Mathematics Imagery Trainer, it is a piece of technology that helps learners to develop their understanding of fractions through physical movement and dialogue. This ICT contains a screen and a controller much like a Nintendo Wii controller, which allows the learners movements to be tracked. Using this form of teaching allows the learner to personally engage in their learning and enhance discussion. 


For more information read –

Brooker, G., Bond, D., Sparrow, L., & Swan, P. (2010). Teaching Primary Mathematics (4thed). Australia: Pearson.

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